Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

If you cannot find an answer to your questions below please do not hesitate to contact us by calling or by using the contact form provided HERE.


FAQ 1. What is the current membership fee to join the Association for Christian Senior Citizens Homes WA ?

The current membership fee is $50 per annum. This can be paid monthly, half yearly or annually in advance. Membership fees are invoiced on 1 July each year

FAQ 2. What advantages do members of the Association have?

Members are given priority to admission to the village and nursing home.

They are entitled to a vote at any of the General Meetings of the Association and elect the office bearers of the Association.

Members can also nominate to be elected as office bearers of the Association


FAQ 3. Are village homes sold or leased?

Village homes are subject to a lease for life. Payment consists of a lump sum payment made on entry which is partially refundable when the resident vacates the unit permanently. Some are rented out on a periodical lease, furnished or unfurnished.

FAQ 4. What ongoing costs are involved in living in Manoah village?

Residents pay for their gas and/or electricity and normal living expenses including the cost of insurance cover for their home contents. They also pay a fixed fortnightly levy to defray the ongoing costs incurred by the Association in the management of the village homes. Residents are not invoiced the cost of maintenance of standard items on their homes, landscaping and gardening expenses, building insurance premiums and rates and taxes . These costs are paid by Manoah out of village general revenue.

Manoah House

FAQ 5. Are village residents guaranteed admission to Manoah House?

No, admission to Manoah House requires an ACAT as is the case for any other aged care facility in Australia. In addition, Manoah House has its own admission procedures. However, eligible village residents have priority of admission over other applicants .

FAQ 6. What care is provided by Manoah House?

Manoah House provides comprehensive residential care to all its residents. Manoah House caters for high care residents and has an “ageing in place policy”.