• 1977: The Christian Reformed Churches of Western Australia agree  to investigate the feasibility of a retirement village for their elderly members
  • 1979: The Association for Christian Senior Citizens Homes WA  is incorporated in Perth

  • 1981-2001: Staged construction of the 30 independent living units and Manoah House office block

  • 1995: Government approval received to start the operation of an Aged Care Facility with 8 beds

  • 2002: Approval received for a further 6 aged care beds

  • 2004: Construction of the Village Community Hall

  • 2007: Approval received for a further 2 aged care beds

  • 2011: Approval received for a further 3 aged care beds

  • 2020: Completion of new 16 aged care bed wing, total bed capacity: 33 (after extension of dining lounge space)

Retired Couple